Organic web referencing (seo) 

ORGANIC or NATURAL referencing is 


That's why, we take the time to choose the best keywords for your website. 


What does this acronym mean? This term commonly used on the Web, means search engines optimization on the Internet and Google has monopolized 95% in 2022

That's how important it is to comply with the rules issued by this giant to get good results when your future customers search in your field of activity.


Search engine optimization, also called organic search engine optimization, includes a set of techniques that aim to improve the positioning of a page or a site in the results of searches made in a search engine like Google. It is necessary, because a non-optimized site may never appear in the first pages during searches by Internet users.

Optimization is necessary, because a non-optimized site may never appear on the first pages of organic searches.
What keywords will your future customers type in when they try to find your service or company online


In organic referencing, which is in fact the choice and addition of keywords recognized by Google with regard to your product or service offering and which increases your positioning in searches. These words do not come at random and are usually the first search action that your SEO specialist will ask. What words would your future customers type if they were trying to find your service or business online?

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